Video Transcript
The type of business that’s the best candidate for outsourced employment law counsel is a business that has a lot of employees and regularly has employment law issues that come up where the business or the HR department might say, “We should talk to a lawyer about this.” And it might not be something that happens on a daily basis or even a weekly basis, but frequent enough that you want to have an attorney that understands your business and who is ready and available to answer questions at a moment’s notice if necessary. It just depends on the regularity of how often you need the attorney. If it’s irregular, if you only have these questions that come up once or twice a year, well then, it’s okay just to have an attorney that you can call and ask questions on a case by case basis.
But if it’s coming up more regularly, you should have your HR department or your C-suite executives feel like they can call the lawyer without having it cost them a lot of money every time you talk to the lawyer. So if there’s a regular need for some quick advice, that’s the best candidate for outsourced employment law services.