Ingrid Bjorklund
Attorney At Law
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Areas of Practice
Bar Admissions
- Minnesota, 2005
With more than twenty years working on a wide diversity of energy matters in private practice, governmental roles, and inhouse counsel, I’ve seen tremendous change as we transition to cleaner energy. At Avisen, I counsel energy clients, including independent power producers, developers, utilities, cooperatives, clean energy companies, and trade associations, on complex regulatory matters and commercial transactions.
I represent energy clients before the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and other state commissions, state agencies, and local governments on issues ranging from tariff changes, permitting, and alleged violations. I also work with clients on interconnection matters with MISO and state utilities and drafting agreements such as those relating to Minnesota’s new solar garden program and power purchase agreements.
Prior to joining Avisen, I represented clean energy companies, utilities, developers, biofuel companies, trade associations, and nonprofits at my own firm and a mid-sized law firm. Such work encompassed large wind and solar projects, distributed generation, high-voltage transmission projects, battery storage, demand response, interconnection, and biofuels.
My governmental experience includes working for the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, Minnesota Department of Commerce, Midwest Reliability Organization (a regional entity of NERC), and served as a Contract Administrative Law Judge at the Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings. My passion for energy issues also led me to teach energy law as an adjunct professor at Michell Hamline School of Law. I also spent years at the Minnesota State Capitol lobbying on energy issues.
When I’m not working, I love being out in nature and am an avid nature and ethical wildlife photographer. I also love to travel whenever I can find the time. I’m grateful for my experiences traveling and living abroad in far-flung places that gave me a more comprehensive and compassionate view of our shared world.
- Represented clients before the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on matters such as allowing aggregators of demand response to participate in a retail tariff.
- Negotiated, prepared, and reviewed agreements for power purchases, easement and lease agreements, utility crossing, and water supply agreements.
- Counseled clients on PURPA qualifications and various renewable energy tax incentives.
- Shepherded permit requests for wind, solar, and transmission projects.
- Led initiatives to advance or defeat energy legislation.
- Advised a utility in its development of a community solar program.
- Shepherded interconnection requests and agreements with regional transmission organizations, including assisting in a successful outcome from FERC in a cost allocation dispute.
- Represented clients on task forces and other formal working groups to advance issues such as demand response aggregation and community-based wind.
- J.D., William Mitchell College of Law. St. Paul, Minnesota.
- William Mitchell Law Review
- M.A., Environmental Resource Policy. The George Washington University. Washington, DC.
- University Fellow
- Research Assistant
- B.A., International Relations. St. Catherine University. St. Paul, Minnesota.
- Semester abroad in Cameroon (School for International Training)
- Moderator, “Rebooting Residential Solar,” 2023 Gateway to Solar Conference, Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association, Minneapolis, MN October 8-9, 2023.
- Moderator, “Big Batteries: Progress in Utility Scale and Long Duration Storage,” 2022 Gateway to Solar Conference, Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association, Minneapolis, MN, October 17-18, 2022.
- Presenter, “Minnesota Public Utilities Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure and Guidance Documents,” Issues in Minnesota Energy and Electric Utility Regulation, Halfmoon Education, Interactive Webinar, June 4, 2021.
- Presenter, “Energy Law for Environmental Lawyers,” Energy and Environmental Law Topics Webcast Package, Minnesota CLE, September 5, 2019.
- Presenter, “Energy Law for Environmental Lawyers,” 2019 Minnesota Environmental Institute, Minneapolis, MN, April 11, 2019.
- Presenter, “The Energy Storage Revolution,” 2018 Minnesota Environmental Institute, Minneapolis, MN, April 12, 2018.
- Instructor, “Energy Storage—Marketing Stranded Renewables and Providing Grid Stability,” Renewable Energy World Conference and Expo North America 2016, Orlando, FL, December 12, 2016.
- Presenter, “Securities Law Considerations for Community Solar Projects,” Summer Conference, Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association, Brainerd, MN, August 15-17, 2016.
- Instructor, “Renewable Energy and Storage,” EUCI, Denver, CO, July 18-19, 2016.
- Presenter, “Recognizing the Value of Electric Energy Storage: A Wake-Up Call,” MSBA Public Utilities Law Section, St. Paul, MN, January 20, 2016.
- Panelist, “Tried and True,” GenForum Conference: Power Generation Week 2015, Las Vegas, NV, December 7, 2015.
- Instructor, “Energy Storage—Marketing Stranded Renewables and Providing Grid Stability,” Renewable Energy World Conference and Expo North America 2015, Las Vegas, NV, December 6, 2015.
- Presenter, “The Intersection of Energy Law and Environmental Law,” MSBA Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law Section, Minneapolis, MN, June 18, 2015.
- Panelist, “Regional Reliability Audits: An Overview of the Process, Compliance and Enforcement,” Seventeenth Annual Midwest Energy Conference, Energy Bar Association, St. Louis, MO, March 10-11, 2014.
- Presenter, “PURPA Today,” MSBA Public Utilities Law Section, St. Paul, MN, February 19, 2014.
- Panelist, “Current Challenges for Wind Energy Development,” MSBA Public Utilities Law Section, St. Paul, MN, March 16, 2011.
- Presenter, “The Future of Transmitting Wind,” 76th Annual Summer Meeting, Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association, Alexandria, MN, August 18-20, 2008.
- Panelist, “Local Ownership—Accelerating Development Capacity,” First Annual Midwest Ag Energy Network Summit, St. Paul, MN, December 12-13, 2006.
- Investigator, Second Judicial District Ethics Committee (2010-2013)
- Chair, Minnesota State Bar Association’s Public Utilities Law Section (2013-2014) and Council member (2010-2018)
- Member, InfraGard
- A partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and members of the private sector for the protection of U.S. Critical Infrastructure.
- Board Chair, Dharma Field (2022-present)
- Supervisor, Ramsey Conservation District Board (1999-2004)